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Refrigerated truck compressor maintenance tips

author:CLW GROUP   Views:156    time:2024-03-06
        Refrigerated trucks are widely used in the modern cold chain industry to transport fresh ingredients, frozen food, vaccines and other medical supplies in a timely manner. Refrigerated trucks are mainly composed of automobile chassis, refrigeration unit and compartments, according to the temperature of the main minus 5 degrees and minus 15 degrees, refrigeration unit of the most nuclear components is the compressor, so the refrigerated truck users in the daily maintenance work should be from time to time to check the compressor bracket, mainly as follows:
        1, see if the belt is loose

        2, fixed compressor screws loose

        3, the tensioning wheel is intact

        4, the compressor frame welding, there is no crack phenomenon

        5、Through the sight liquid mirror of the chiller, see whether the chiller has lack of fluorine phenomenon.

        6、Be sure to pre-cool before pulling.

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